«The laser acupuncture will play an increasingly important role in the world of veterinary acupuncture, carving out in the next two decades a pivotal role in our daily practice». With this statement Dr. Bruce Fergusson - expert in issues related to acupuncture in veterinary medicine - commented on the presentation done by Dr. Tatjana Falconi during the XIII International VA (Veterinary Acupuncture) Seminar - VII International Congress VAM (Mediterranean Veterinary Acupuncturists) held in Arezzo, from June 15th to June17th and organized by the Italian Society of Veterinary Acupuncture.
The presentations done by Dr. Tatjana Falconi (veterinarian and scientific specialists ASAvet) centered on "Laser and MLS® Laser Therapy" and "MLS® Laser Acupuncture" were followed with great interest and attention by 30 participants from all around the world.
«The statement made by Dr. Ferguson - said Falconi - represents an important imprimatur to theMLS® Laser Therapy, which has attracted the attention especially of the younger auditorium, traditionally sensitive to new ideas and innovations. During the break between the presentations many colleagues have approached me for more information on its application. That MLS® Laser Therapy has captured the interest of veterinarians and acupuncturists present was also evidenced by the request of a colleague who wants to focus her School of Veterinary Acupuncture thesis argument on laser acupuncture».
The Tuscan event dedicated to "Advanced techniques for balancing energy in veterinary acupuncture" closed with a practice session, during which Dr. Falconi had the opportunity to illustrate the application of MLS® Laser Therapy and MLS® Laser Acupuncture on horses and dogs.
So, new acknowledgments and horizons for the application of MLS® Laser Therapy, already in everyday use in Northern Europe and in the U.S., now making its way in Italy too.