Enthusiasm and interest among participants in the third round of "MLS® Laser Therapy Training Tutorial" held in the Veterinary Clinic of Heřmanův Městec (Czech Republic). Organized in collaboration with Kardio-line (official ASAveterinary partner on Czech territory ), the training meeting confirmed the veterinarians will to deepen the MLS® use in the treatment of common diseases among pet and equines. Accurate information about it, has been provided by Dr. Mila Speciani (ASAveterinary Product Specialist) who has explored the MLS® Laser Therapy on the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and skin diseases in small animals and horses. The theoretical part has been followed by a practical session focused on the treatment of arthritis with bilateral chronic pain (dog), chronic inflammation of the perianal glands (dog) and post-surgical edema (horse). In addition to these cases, the attention of Czech veterinarians has been captured by the possibility to speed up the healing of bite and post-surgical wounds and by good results obtained treating stomatitis with MLS®. «The program developed for the Czech Republic - specifies Giacomo Granozio, Area Manager ASAlaser – has attracted veterinarians from all over the country (from Brno to Chomutov passing from Prague) willing to improve their knowledge about MLS® Laser Therapy. To satisfy their interest, we are working to open specific reference centers as sounding boards to spread the results obtained in the veterinary field, using our systems Mphi Vet».