Dogs with orthopaedic disorders and skin diseases treated with MLS® have been the focus of the in-depth practice session held on September 13th in Vienna at the headquarters of Austrian distributor Drott. Dr. Mila Speciani (Product Specialist ASAveterinary), who already delivered a speech to Austrian veterinarians during the webinar held on June 25th, this time had the chance to directly interact with some colleagues specialized in small animals practice. The meeting, organized into a theoretical session (presentation of MLS® Laser Therapy and its benefits for treatment of many common pets diseases) and a practical one (successful cases), could also rely on the contribution of Dr. Kathleen Wittek (University of Vienna, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation). Beside supporting Dr. Speciani during the workshop, Dr. Wittek also presented the results of a pilot study run on 7 dogs suffering tendonitis and treated with MLS® Laser Therapy. The data detected by a force platform and by a computerized analysis of canine gaits, showed more effective and wide flight arcs after the treatment. «The method of analysis used for the pilot study in order to check improvements of the dogs’ gaits - concluded Dr. Speciani – stands as an interesting starting point aiming at checking the results of MLS® application on muscular contractures, mechanical lameness or secondary issues due to compensation».