Companion Animals

For the treatment of ailments affecting small pets, MLS® Laser Therapy is indicated as it is non-toxic, non invasive and painless.
As it is easy to use, fast to apply and gives a rapid therapeutic response, it is well-suited for meeting the needs and conditions of any veterinary surgery.

Discover M-VET

  • Musculoskeletal disorders

    Antinflammatory and analgesic effects of MLS® Laser Therapy help to reduce pain and improve quality of life of the patient.

  • Neurologic pain

    The relief of pain and inflammation through the use of MLS® Laser Therapy allows to improve patient's general condition.

  • Degenerative joint disease

    Osteoarthritis is one of the main indications for application of MLS® Laser Therapy: it helps to reduce inflammation and pain, thus allowing a significant quality of life improvement of the patient.

  • Post-surgical treatment

    The MLS® Laser Therapy is a valuable aid in the postoperative period since it reduces swelling and pain resulting from surger

  • Tendon and muscle injuries

    In muscle and tendon injuries the MLS® Laser Therapy promotes drainage of oedema and reduces pain and inflammation due to its antinflammatory and antioedema effect.

  • Bruises, haematoma

    The MLS® Laser Therapy, thanks to its strong antioedema effect, is a useful tool for accelerating the drainage and resolution of haematoma and for quick recovery of damaged tissues’ structural integrity.

  • Bursitis

    In the inflammation of articular bursa, the MLS® Laser Therapy allows to reduce inflammation, pain and oedema thanks to its antinflammatory and antioedema effects.

  • Wound healing

    Skin wounds are a frequently encountered problem in everyday veterinary practice and the use of MLS® Laser Therapy, by virtue of its biostimulating effect, accelerates and promotes the healing process.

  • Lick granulomas

    The MLS® Laser Therapy promotes healing of lick granulomas due to its biostimulating effect, and it also reduces simultaneously the magnitude of the inflammatory component

  • Anal glands

    Anal glands are a problem with slow resolution and the MLS® Laser Therapy a is valuable adjuvant technique for the veterinarian by virtue of its antinflammatory and biostimulating effects.

  • Stomatitis

    In the treatment of stomatitis, the antinflammatory, antioedema and analgesic effects of MLS® Laser Therapy are particularly useful for improving the patient’s quality of life.