
Every equine veterinary knows how challenging it is to treat horses outside the clinic: distant patients, unpredictable weather conditions and the need to have reliable and ready-to-use tools. 

ASAveterinary responds to these challenges with M-VET All Terrain, offering its MLS® Laser Therapy in a portable, robust and constantly operational device.


Fast recoup of the structural integrity of damaged tissues and the high tolerance of the patient make MLS® Laser Therapy a valid and useful tool for treating the most common ailments in horses, thanks to its powerful anti-inflammmatory and anti-oedema effect, to the reduction of pain in a short space of time and to the rapidness of application.

Discover M-VET All Terrain

  • Wound healing

    Skin wounds are a frequently encountered problem in everyday veterinary practice and the use of MLS® Laser Therapy, by virtue of its biostimulating effect, accelerates and promotes the healing process.

  • Bursitis

    In the inflammation of articular bursa, the MLS® Laser Therapy allows to reduce inflammation, pain and oedema thanks to its antinflammatory and antioedema effects.

  • Hygroma

    The antinflammatory and antioedema effects of MLS® Laser Therapy act positively on hygroma (chronic inflammation of the serous bursa) by reducing the inflammation, pain and oedema.

  • Oedema

    The use of MLS® Laser Therapy is important to promote the drainage of inflammatory oedema. The therapy makes it possible to modulate the local blood and lymphatic circulation, thus facilitating the reduction of the excess interstitial fluid.

  • Haematoma/contusion

    The MLS® Laser Therapy, thanks to its strong antioedema effect, is a useful tool for accelerating the drainage and resolution of haematoma and for quick recovery of damaged tissues’ structural integrity.

  • Osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis is one of the main indications for the application of MLS® Laser Therapy: it helps to reduce inflammation and pain, thus allowing a significant quality of life improvement of the patient.

  • Periostitis and exostosis formation

    Analgesic and antinflammatory effects characteristic of MLS® Laser Therapy are fully exploited in the case of periostitis. The application of the therapy allows to significantly reduce the pain and inflammation that characterize the disease.

  • Fractures

    The MLS® Laser Therapy is used to facilitate the process of fracture healing.

  • Muscle sprain and strain

    In muscle sprains and strains the MLS® Laser Therapy facilitates the drainage of oedema and reduces pain and inflammation due to its antioedema effect.

  • Muscle contracture

    The myorelaxant effect of MLS® Laser Therapy is a valuable aid in the treatment of muscle contractures.

  • Trigger points

    Deactivation of active trigger points is favored by the myorelaxant effect typical of MLS® Laser Therapy.

  • Acupuncture

    The MLS® Laser Therapy can be used for the stimulation of acupuncture points as an alternative to the use of needles.

  • Back pain

    Back pain can be alleviated with the use of MLS® Laser Therapy whose analgesic and myorelaxant effects are particularly beneficial for the patient.

  • Sciatic nerve pain

    The MLS® Laser Therapy is a valuable aid in the treatment of sciatic nerve pain due to its analgesic, antinflammatory and myorelaxant effects.te.

  • Acute and chronic tendonitis

    Tendonitis is one of the most frequent soft tissue pathologies in horses and it may affect the athletic future of patients due to long periods of recovery and high relapse rate. The MLS® Laser Therapy is recommended for the treatment of tendonitis as a support to drug therapy or as alternative therapy.

  • Acute and chronic tenosynovitis

    The MLS® Laser Therapy is appropriate for the treatment of tenosynovitis both as support to drug therapy, or as an alternative treatment, thanks to its antinflammatory, analgesic and antioedema effects.

  • Navicular disease

    For the treatment of navicular syndrome antinflammatory and analgesic effects of MLS® Laser Therapy are exploited in order to reduce and limit the pain and chronic inflammation.

  • Laminitis

    The MLS® Laser Therapy reduces inflammation and pain associated with disease, thus significantly improving the patient’s quality of life.

  • Stone bruise

    In the specific case of stone bruising the MLS® Laser Therapy is used to reduce pain, a symptom commonly associated with this particular type of problem.