Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A series of training seminars dedicated to MLS® Laser Therapy, with a theoretical and practical focus also on the M-VET device, marked the mission of the ASAveterinary team in the Philippines. The company staff, with the support of the specialist Ken Anthony Lao and of the distributor Manpharma, not only presented the benefits and effectiveness of MLS® in treating pet, equine and exotic species pathologies to local specialists, but also triggered a virtuous circle of sharing experiences among those present.

“Participants who, thanks also to the enthusiasm and skills of our specialist, proved to be very curious and attentive as well as enthusiastic about being able to concretely verify the use of M-VET. The theoretical session was in fact accompanied by a practical part during which the device was used and it was possible to discuss with the speaker, asking him questions and outlining doubts", explains Beniamino Caruso, ASAveterinary Area Manager.


But that's not all. Ken Anthony Lao's experience in the field was a valid input to recount some clinical cases in which the therapy expressed its full value. An example of this is the case of the 1-year-old Maltese Milky, who suffered from involuntary tremors during stressful situations. 12 sessions of MLS® with the "inflammation" protocol applied on the temporal area, the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine, as well as on the chest and abdominal region were sufficient for it to recover its best condition. A condition whose restoration was also favoured by administering a multivitamin complex and by actions aimed at progressive socialisation with other animals to minimise stress.

MLS Laser Therapy Workshop - PHILIPPINES
MLS Laser Therapy principles workshop - PHILIPPINES