Rosangela Bontempo: M-VET? My best friend!

Sometimes professional destinies are marked – positively – by what you experience as a child.
A parent's passion for a profession, being involved in their activity, seeing the satisfaction, experiencing their commitment and dedication, become pathways to build your own working future. 

The story of Rosangela Bontempo, the Veterinarian owner of the homonymous clinic in Terme Vigliatore (Me), is an example of this. 

“My father was a Veterinarian and I had the opportunity to follow him closely even when I was little, becoming passionate about his world. Animals were part of my daily life, as were my school friends. When I had to choose a university course, it was almost natural to veer towards this direction, despite having had a moment of hesitation during high school”. However, the love for dogs and cats prevailed.  “It is no coincidence that my family now includes three cats and a dog who are also playmates with my two little girls”.
It is reasonable to ask whether Rosangela has had the opportunity to apply MLS Laser Therapy® on them too. Surely, as she herself admits, she uses it daily in her outpatient practice to treat patients suffering from various disorders.

“When laser therapy was first introduced to me, I was immediately struck by the new approach it offered, primarily for the treatment of wounds. In addition to the speed and simplicity in applying the treatment, what stimulated my curiosity and desire to learn more was precisely the innovation it proposed”. An innovation that was the key for its purchase. “I am deeply convinced that my profession must also aim for new goals and must set itself new challenges in order to improve what we can offer the patient in terms of effectiveness for treating their disease. MLS® Laser Therapy and the M-VET device gave shape to my desire for renewal, allowing me to achieve results far above my expectations. My initial fear of using them rarely, since my practice is in a small town, was quickly dispelled. The more I proposed MLS® to the owners, showing them concrete cases of its effectiveness, the more enthusiastic I became”.


An enthusiasm that led Doctor Bontempo to want to delve deeper into the universe of laser therapy by combining ASAveterinary training with personal study. “The training offered by the company is crucial, whether it involves webinars or in-person meetings. Being able to exchange views directly with the ASAveterinary specialists allows obtaining tips to enhance the benefits of the laser therapy and to dispel doubts. But that's not all.  It also allows you to receive targeted explanations to successfully treat some disorders that may not be common in your practice”.

A practice that, with the arrival of M-VET in her clinic, Rosangela has improved considerably. “I use M-VET practically every day. Its greatest merit is that it allows me to intervene quickly and with valuable results even on disorders that conventional therapies have difficulty treating or whose outcome is inadequate. In some more “extreme” cases, when hope is running out, MLS® has allowed me to experiment other ways to try to recover the patient’s condition”. 
A patient who receives the therapy in a relaxed manner. “In some cases, the dogs and cats that I treat even fall asleep. Maybe because the application times are short and the therapy is safe and painless, but tolerability is really high. Being able to tangibly see the benefits obtained after just one session is a key element for the pet owner”.

Owners are generally willing for their 4-legged friends to undergo the ASAveterinary Therapeutic Solution. “The explanation I provide before using it, together with the case studies they can see on my web channels, is certainly important for those who have never heard of laser therapy in the veterinary field”. 

Seeing a latest-generation device like M-VET as a tool available to the professional is also a further reassurance. 
“This device is unrivalled for at least three reasons: the speed of the treatment, ideal for “impatient” patients; the speed of the results offered; the effectiveness in treating multiple disorders. I am not exaggerating when I call M-VET my best friend! Confirmation comes from my own experience: its use has been decisive in the case of orthopaedic-spinal problems, dermatitis, wounds, sores, but also fractures, ear infections and during the post-surgery phase”. 

Having understood the value of MLS® Laser Therapy, Rosangela now wants to raise the bar. “I would like to approach laser puncture because I believe it could help me resolve some problems that are complex to treat, such as urinary tract obstructions in cats. Actually, MLS® already allows me to considerably reduce the inflammatory symptoms, but I would like to go a step further. I believe I still have a lot to learn and being able to do so stimulates me, because what MLS® Laser Therapy has already allowed me to achieve is truly extraordinary.”

Rosangela Bontempo - M-VET laser
Rosangela Bontempo DVM - M-VET laser