Specialized in small animal’s physical therapy and rehabilitation, chiropractic and ozone therapy, Dr. Martha Matallana, DMV at the Salle University in Bogota, has included among the therapeutic proposals of her Center, one of most quoted in the Colombian capital city, MLS® Laser Therapy, recognizing its efficacy.
D. How did you learn about MLS® Laser Therapy?
R. In two different times: during NAVC (The North American Veterinary Conference) held in Orlando, Florida, at the beginning of the year and in July during the twenty-ninth edition of Agroexpo, held in Bogotá.
D. What convinced you to introduce MLS® Laser Therapy among the therapeutic proposals of your Center?
R. Already during NAVC, I have realized how innovative this therapy could be and how it could help me in my daily practice. Considering myself a pioneer, in my country, in small animal’s physical therapy and rehabilitation, I wanted to deepen it to better understand application methods and benefits. The direct meeting with ASAveterinary staff and the chance to test the therapy and its device on some of my patients have convinced me about the opportunity to adopt it. The possibility to verify all the research and scientific results at the base of this therapy definitively persuade me.
D. Mphi Vet: which are the points of strength of the device performing MLS®?
R. Mphi is a great working partner, because it optimizes the time of application for each patient, it is easy to handle and to transport thanks to its rechargeable battery. In addition to its modern and ergonomic design, what is making it particularly valuable, it’s the touch screen that, providing a strong impact and very reliable image, is helpful to the user and the owner himself, because he can easily understand the treatment that his animal is going to receive. The perception is the following: it will be treated with a cutting-edge therapy, able to improve its condition quickly without contraindications, making the owner confident about his animal safety. As user, I found a further key point linked to the use of this device: ASA offers a continuous and specific training, precious for professionals that can feel themselves, in this way, supported and sustained.
D. Compared to your experience, which are the circumstances where MLS® appears particularly effective?
R. The range of case studies is huge, from patients not eligible for surgery, having to deal with acute pain resulting from diseases such as, for example, the intervertebral disc one, to those patientes who, after an orthopedic surgery, need to return to their normal activities in as short a time as possible. MLS® has also demonstrated its validity, treating skin wounds with delayed healing.
D. 3 words to describe the therapy?
R. Scientifically proven, highly effective and fast to provide good results.
D. Compared to other treatment types, what makes MLS® unique?
R. The time-factor is what mostly distinguishes the uniqueness of the therapy: not only the treatment has a short duration, but also the results are fast to be obtained. For this reason, also the recovery time of the animal is strongly reduced. Even the patient’s safety is not a secondary point: the complete absence of contraindication for the patient is very important such as, for the user, the sureness to use the right amount of energy, avoiding over or under dosing.