The fourth edition of the Young Drivers European Driving Championship, a prestigious appointment with the participation of 83 contestants from eleven countries, took place in Schildau, North of Germany, from 22nd to 25th September.
Dr Tatjiana Falconi, an equine veterinary, was there to support the nine Italian athletes with their horses as team Vet. During the competition, the doctor was busy every day in order to keep her “Athletes” in good shape, and carried out laser treatments with the MLS® Mphi Equine Orange system on four horses with muscular stiffness, in particular on the back, obtaining positive results in a very short time.
“One of the horses of my team -added Dr Falconi- a month before the departure for Schildau, had a lameness issue connected to a tendinous lesion which risked compromising participation in the European Championship. The prompt treatment with MLS® Laser Therapy ensured that the horse could show up to the (routine) pre-race vet check in perfect shape and that it could complete the three trials without relapses. The use of MLS® was decisive -concluded the vet- including when the horses arrived in Schildau, in order to dissolve muscular stiffness and drain some oedemas to the limbs caused by the long journey”.