MLS®: from training to business

Dr. Angela Romano, Venezuelan surgeon specializes in medical photonics and laser therapy applied to aesthetics, dermatology and pain management, returns to company to investigate the use of MLS® Laser Therapy in veterinary field...
Friday, May 10, 2013

Dr Romano in visit for a MLS® training in vet (all the staff at Ambulatorio Veterinario Thermal Physiopet a Montegrotto Terme - PD)

Dr. Angela Romano, Venezuelan surgeon specializes in medical photonics and laser therapy applied to aesthetics, dermatology and pain management, after participating to a training course focused on human last February in ASAlaser, returns to company to investigate the use of MLS® Laser Therapy in veterinary field.

From 6 to 8 May "La Doctora Laser" – as Dr. Romano in called in her country - accompanied by dr. Alejandro Cichero from Caracas has been involved in theory and practice full immersion with the aim to provide all tools to understand how to spread the laser culture in vet field in Venezuela.

Rich program has been developed by ASAlaser: if the first day has been focused on the revision of MLS® Laser Therapy and Hilterapia® with a training session of Magneto therapyand on a specific investigation on how to use, frequencies and protocols of MLS® Laser Therapy on pet held by dr. Mila Speciani MDV (Certified Canine & Equine Body Worker®, specialist in Homeopathy, Homotossicology and Integrated Disciplines), next two days has been instead dedicated to training on field.

On May 7, after the morning to the Veterinary Clinic THERMALPHYSIOPET (Padova), where Silvia Meggiolaro (MDV) and Elena Toniolo (MDV) - Certified Doctors for Pain Therapy and Rehab - have explored the use of MLS® Laser Therapy in the treatment of joints diseases, pain and biostimulation (dermatology), dr. Romano has reached the Podere Santa Onorataof Sirmione.

«Here - specifies Lucio Zaghetto, CEO ASAlaser – dr. Romano has been involved in practical training "on field", culminated in a plan of physiotherapy treatment and in a session of physical therapy and MLS® Laser Therapy».

Visit ended on May 8 with a new practical training dedicated to horses treatment held at "Les Lauries" (BS) with the support of dr. Tatiana Falconi ( MDV - Specializing in veterinary acupuncture and laser therapy).

«Dr. Romano - Zaghetto concludes - after the training course was thrilled to have been able to personally see the immediate benefits of MLS® also in veterinary field. The goal of gathering all the information relating to the use of our therapy in this area has been fully centered, evidence of how training is, in our politics, a first step for future commercial developments».

Dr Romano in visit at Scuderia Les Lauriers