Oscar, a Scottish Fold suffering from osteochondrodysplasia

BREED: Scottish Fold
GENDER: castrated male
NAME: Oscar

Clinical case
Oscar was brought for a second opinion examination, after a diagnosis of osteochondrodysplasia.
The owner reports that the cat is lethargic, listless, doesn’t jump or play with other cats.

In addition to the owner’s report, the following were also noted:

  • Overweight (BCS 7/9)
  • Considerable pain when palpating the lumbosacral area
  • Considerable tail pain and reduced movement
  • Pain when handling hips and tarsi.

In agreement with the owner, MLS® Laser Therapy treatment is carried out.

Three treatments are carried out during the first week, 2 during the second, 1 during the third, focusing attention on the lumbosacral area and the tail.
The programme used was “Pain (chronic)” first points, followed by scanning.

After exactly one month of treatment (7 sessions), the owner reports various improvements: Oscar moves more and better, he interacts and plays with the other live-in cat, makes small jumps, asks to go out.
Oscar undergoes one session per week for six consecutive weeks, using the “Pain (chronic)” protocol by scanning the lumbosacral region and the tail, and the “Arthrosis” points protocol on the tarsi.
The owner reports a marked improvement of the general condition, an increase in play and in interaction with the live-in cat and a lower body weight (BCS 6/9).
Oscar currently undergoes a single maintenance session every three weeks.

The quality of life is considerably improved: Oscar runs, jumps and plays like a normal cat.

Courtesy of Dr. Erica Forte, DVM, Varese - Italy