Teddy, a rabbit with pododermatitis

SPECIES: rabbit    
AGE: 3 years
NAME: Teddy

Clinical case

  • Brought to the clinic for pododermatitis;
  • Previous topical treatments with local disinfection and parenteral treatment with enrofloxacin and meloxicam without any improvement of clinical signs;
  • Concurrent fungal diseases excluded.

Clinical examination

  • Redness and scabbed lesions on the soles of the lower limbs
  • Diagnosis: pododermatitis


  • MLS® Laser Therapy with M-VET device as monotherapy
  • MLS® Laser Therapy: «acute inflammation» point-to-point programs for the first 5 treatments; «pododermatitis» point-to-point for three treatments; «alopecia» point-to-point for the last two sessions. 
  • Treatment frequency: three times a week for two weeks then twice a week for two weeks.


  • Progressive improvement of symptoms;
  • Recovery of all clinical signs in four weeks.

By Dr Annalisa Previti, Veterinary Clinic Dr Annalisa Previti, Villafranca Tirrena (Messina) - Italy