Clinical cases

Success stories, clinical practices, case studies and testimonials: MLS® Laser Therapy stories told through videos, photos and personal experience

Practical cases, first-hand experience, useful information for using MLS® and veterinary products from the Mphi Vet and Mphi Vet Orange ranges to their best advantage: Vet professionals share their experience of the products with their colleagues in an informed exchange.

Embedded thumbnail for Miniature schnauzer with anterior cruciate ligament lesion
SpecieS : dog Breed : Miniature schnauzer Age: 11 years Sex : F neutered Clinical case :...
Embedded thumbnail for Hot spot in a golden retriever
Species : dog Breed : Golden Retriever Age: 10 yeras Sex : M Caso clinico : Golden...
Embedded thumbnail for Infection of anal glands in a ferret
Species : ferret Age: 1,5 years Sex : neuterd male Weight : 1,6 kg Clinical case : The...
Embedded thumbnail for German shepherd with pyoderma and dermatitis
Species : dog Breed : German Shepherd Age: 5 years Sex : Fs Name : Zora Case report :...
Embedded thumbnail for Puppy with trauma wounds
Species : dog Breed : Mixed breed Age 3 months Sex : M Name : Lucky Clinical case : Lucky...
Embedded thumbnail for Bolognese dog with anterior cruciate ligament lesion
Species : dog Breed : Bolognese Age : 13 years Sex : M Clinical case: at the first visit...