Clinical cases

Success stories, clinical practices, case studies and testimonials: MLS® Laser Therapy stories told through videos, photos and personal experience

Practical cases, first-hand experience, useful information for using MLS® and veterinary products from the Mphi Vet and Mphi Vet Orange ranges to their best advantage: Vet professionals share their experience of the products with their colleagues in an informed exchange.

Embedded thumbnail for Drahtaar with wounds
Species : dog Breed : Drahtaar Age : 3 years Name : Rufus Courtesy of dr. Chiara...
Species : dog Breed : Yorkshire Terrier Age : 10 years Sex : M Name : Taro Courtesy of dr...
Embedded thumbnail for  Newfoundland with bilateral elbow osteoarthritis
Species : dog Breed : Newfoundland Age : 6 years Sex : M Name : Kodiak Courtesy of dr...
Embedded thumbnail for Laser Therapy Case Study (Canine) - Shadow's Story
Shadow, cabe di razza Husky, è tornato a camminare dopo l'applicazione della Laserterapia...
Embedded thumbnail for  Post surgical therapy treatment
Treating Levi, a boxer, with MLS Laser Therapy from Cutting Edge Laser Technologies.