Experts in the treatment of exotic animals, Dr. Alice Marass and Dr. Giuseppe Latella since March 2013 adopted the MLS® Laser Therapy among therapeutic offers of their clinic, where they also used it for the treatment of common diseases among turtles, reptiles and other non-native species.
Name and Surname: Alice Marrass
City: Trieste
She works with: small animal, exotic species
Device used: Mphi Vet since March 2013
D. How did you know the MLS® Laser Therapy?
R. At the annual congress SIVAE (Italian Veterinarians Society for exotic animals) last year, Dr. Giordano Nardini presented a report in which he also spoke of MLS® Laser Therapy. The presence during the exhibition of the ASAveterinary stand, allowed us to have a little more detail about the therapeutic indications and time of application.
D. Why did you decide to equip your Clinic with MLS® product?
R. MLS® can be used to treat many diseases that affect different species of animals: its versatility and multisectorality led us to count it among the therapies of our Clinic. The possibility to use it also in exotic animals has been a further benefit.
D. Based on your experience, what adjectives would you choose to define the MLS® Laser Therapy?
R. Effective, rapid, both in processing times as in the results provided and safe. At the same time it is important that it does not cause pain and contraindications to the animal during the treatment and after it.
D. Mphi Vet: what are the strengths of the device for MLS®?
R. The facility of use also in dealing with animals not too accommodating and the ability to easily carry it are its strengths. When we had to intervene to treat a horse outside the clinic, we took it with us without difficulty.
D. Compared to the clinical cases treated, in which circumstances the use of MLS® has been particularly appropriate?
R. The clinical cases that we treat every day are very different and in more than one occasion, the therapy has been useful. An example of all: MLS® has enabled the rapid healing of the wound of a turtle attacked by a seagull. The lesion resulting in the removal of the tail was closed in a short time thanks to a session of Laser Therapy.
D. How do the owners perceive the use of Laser Therapy?
R. The initial skepticism, often linked to a lack of knowledge, rapidly turn into satisfaction after seeing the results of the application. Check concretely how the therapy acts and the benefits for the animal are an important driving force for MLS® success.
D. Compared to protocols available, which one do you use mostly?
R. The protocol "healing wounds" is that one we use mostly in the daily practice. However, we also use the specific program for arthritis and for post-operative.