AIVPAFE National Congress: MLS® protagonist with speeches and exhibitions

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The 2024 edition of the AIVPAFE National Congress took place in Mestre on 28-29 September and was attended by more than 150 specialists in the feline world.

MLS® and feline stomatitis: a dedicated speech

In addition to visiting the stands, including that of ASAveterinary with MLS® Laser Therapy at the forefront, participants were able to attend numerous speeches led by renowned expert speakers. 

Among these, Dr Paolo Squarzoni explored the topic “Stomatitis: management protocol with MLS® Laser Therapy”. 


“The feedback from those present at the Congress was extremely positive, both as concerns our Therapeutic Solution, as confirmed by the numerous visits to our exhibition space, and the speech by Dr Squarzoni. The intervention allowed focusing on the effectiveness of MLS® in treating stomatitis in felines, underlining how to intervene decisively”, comments Matteo Laganà, ASAveterinary Territory Manager.

The meeting, sponsored by the Veterinary Associations of the Provinces of Belluno, Brescia, Cuneo, Mantua, Reggio Emilio, Rovigo, Turin, Varese, Venice and Vicenza, also allowed the ASAveterinary staff to intercept new interlocutors interested in “exploring the benefits of MLS® Laser Therapy in treating common problems among pets, cats first and foremost, and understanding the reaction of patients during treatment” concludes Laganà.