ASAveterinary at the SCIVAC International Congress in Rimini

Monday, June 6, 2016

ASAveterinary took part in the SCIVAC (the Italian Cultural Veterinary Society for pet animals) Multihall International Congress in Rimini, from 27th to 29th May. In the charming setting of the New Palacongressi, a large number of veterinary professionals gathered together in order to participate in scientific meetings and specialist sessions presided over by Italian and foreign spokespersons. A remarkable interest towards the ASAveterinary stand presenting the MLS® Laser Therapy was recorded at this very important event within the Italian veterinary section. ASAlaser was also at the forefront of the SIVAE (Italian Veterinary Society for Exotic Animals) seminar,  where several vets wishing to expand their knowledge of Laser Therapy in order to treat non-conventional animals expressed their curiosity and interest.
“Our stand –stated Adelmo Rossin, the ASAveterinary product specialist - was also visited by vets whose activities concern the dermatologic and orthodontic and oral surgery areas and who have been employing our solutions for a long time. Great interest was also generated by the updates concerning the global approach of MLS® applications for the osteo-articular system, which allows considerably reducing the treatment duration”.

ASAveterinary at SCIVAC 2016 in Rimini - app tablet presentation
ASAveterinary at the SCIVAC International Congress in Rimini
ASAveterinary at the SCIVAC International Congress in Rimini