CVDL Costa Rica 2024: two workshops for laser therapy and magnetotherapy

Monday, March 4, 2024

To illustrate the benefits of MLS® Laser Therapy and QS Vet Magnetotherapy in daily practice and to underline the results that can be obtained in the short term thanks to the use of the ASAveterinary Therapeutic Solutions in the care of neurological patients or those with spinal cord compression. To this end, Doctor Deborah Sades (Zoo technical Veterinary Surgeon at the National Autonomous University of Mexico) held two workshops on 6th and 7th February during the CVDL 2024 in San José, Costa Rica, which were attended by a large number of conference participants. Indeed, more than 25 sector professionals attended the speeches “Laser therapy and magnetotherapy in daily practice. Successful cases” and “Use of laser therapy and functional bandages in the rehabilitation of neurological patients”.
The specialists also crowded the meeting dedicated to “Use of laser therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord compression”.


“The results obtained – Sire Vet, our local distributor, comments – were comforting: Doctor Sades’ contribution was valuable not only because of the quality of her in-depth analyses over the two days, but also because of the support she provided at the stand. When answering the questions of our visitors and by sharing her experience in the field, she always stressed the objective value of MLS® Laser Therapy and QS Vet Magnetotherapy for treating a broad spectrum of diseases”. 

MLS Laser Therapy for the neurological patient - CVDL Costa Rica
MLS Laser Therapy for the neurological patient - Dr. Debora Sades, CVDL Costa Rica
MLS Laser Therapy for the neurological patient - Dr. Debora Sades, CVDL Costa Rica