ECVS Valencia: MLS® innovation at the forefront

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A focus on surgery in the veterinary field by taking part in the 33rd edition of the congress: “European College of Veterinary Surgeons” (ECVS) held in Valencia from 4th to 6th July. Attending the meeting for the first time, supported by an own exhibition space and by post-op successful clinical cases, ASAveterinary confirmed its interest in becoming established in this sector too.

“Our therapeutic offer –Roberto Terruzzi, ASAveterinary Senior Export Manager states – gained the interest of many of the more than 1200 participants in the Congress. Participants who came to meet us to obtain further information and receive indications concerning the tangible benefits of MLS® Laser Therapy in the rehabilitation program of animals. The willingness of the professionals to find solutions capable of improving both their work and the well-being of their patients is tangible, as is their availability to explore new avenues. The scientific and clinical support that we provided at the stand as well, demonstrating the efficacy of our therapy through a wide range of case histories, undoubtedly represented a first-class element of value for the specialists”.

Specialists who were able to experience firsthand M-VET, our flagship device.

“The feedback we obtained was extremely positive, as was our participation in this meeting. Being able to provide answers to the questions by attendees, thanks to the support of Ilaria Terruzzi DVM, allowed us to close the gap and open up new development prospects”. 

European College of Veterinary Surgeons - Valencia 2024
ASAveterinary and Walud at ECVS - Valencia 2024
ASAveterinary and M-VET at ECVS - Valencia 2024