Efficiency, effectiveness, quality: MLS® according to the experience of Dr. Jane McNae

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New accomplishments for MLS® Laser Therapy, which is becoming more popular with vet professionals. ASAlaser’s Laser therapy has even reached Hong Kong, thanks to Dr. Jane McNae who has been using MLS® and Mphi Vet Orange in her Vet clinic called “Paws in Motion” since April. It was a choice arising from a solid need: to find a safe, effective support without contraindications to treat pathologies in which pain and inflammation are tenaciously present. “After a lot of research” explains Dr. McNae, “I bumped into MLS® Laser Therapy and Mphi Vet Orange, and I understood that I had finally found what I was looking for: a laser with 905 and 808nm wave length that can stimulate preferentially different chromophores such as haemoglobin and cytochrome C, that can produce a higher quantity of ATP energy, and also guarantee penetration depth”. And the results obtained when treating patients with different pathologies confirms her choice. “MLS® is useful for facing different pathologies, but it reaches its peak when rehabilitating patients with muscle-skeleton pain, oedema, inflammation, distortion, sprain, osteoarthritis and with neurological conditions. Last but not least, it heals wounds quickly.” And the enthusiastic faces of the pet owners when they see how quickly their animals heal is extremely satisfying. “MLS® heals more quickly” concludes the vet, “and it is the owners themselves who tell me that their pets are much more active already after the first treatment, during which MLS® Laser Therapy is combined with manual therapy. It is a top level result that modulates pain and improves the blood flow.” It is a new success for MLS® which, after the acknowledgements obtained in Europe and America, is heading towards new horizons.

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Dr. Jane McNae - “Paws in Motion”, Hong Kong
Dr. Jane McNae - “Paws in Motion”, Hong Kong