Holland: MLS® at the Voorjaarsdagen European Veterinary Conference

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The most important Dutch event in the veterinary field took place at the Fokker Terminal in The Hague from the 13th to the 15th of April. “The Voorjaarsdagen”, an internationally renowned event,  this year gathered together 500 vets and 600 nurses interested in information concerning the latest sector news, in particular in relation to small pets. VVDB Zeeland, the local ASAveterinary partner, could not miss the occasion in order to present the MLS® Laser Therapy to the Dutch market with remarkable success. A schedule filled with events and congressional activities with significant speakers animated the event.
“During the conference –stated Roberto Terruzzi, the Senior Area Manager-  the ASAlaser MLS® therapy captured the interest of the numerous visitors to the stand who therefore had the opportunity to see our laser devices and to further analyse their use.” “MLS® was greatly appreciated – declared Bianca Verhoeven van den Brand, owner of VVDB Zeeland- as an innovative opportunity, a new treatment which could be adopted by their clinics. I am very happy because we established several new contacts with doctors and specialists who showed their interest in exploring further the benefits of MLS® Laser Therapy in daily use”.

The Voorjaarsdagen, The Hague