M-VET travels between Milan and Venice

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

M-VET protagonist of two concurrent events dedicated to veterinary professionals: the UNISVET National Congress (Milan, 3/4/5 February) and the 28th edition of the SIVE International Congress (Venice, 3/4 February).

The focus on ASA’s latest generation device was placed by the specialists visiting the stands, greatly involved in emphasising the benefits and features.

“During the event promoted by the Union of Italian Veterinary Societies, actively supporting our distributor Zootecnica at their exhibition space allowed us to meet many potential customers who were interested in analysing the uses of MLS®Laser Therapy”, Matteo Laganà, ASA Territory Manager, comments.


Positive feedback was also received from the two-day event in Venice, where 300 participants registered to take part in the National Congress of the Italian Veterinary Society for Equines (SIVE).

“In addition to customers who are long-time users of MLS® Laser Therapy and M-VET, and who underline their clinical effectiveness and safety, we were also visited by many Vets interested in analysing the therapy in the equine sector. Doctor Francesca Rosso, our Specialist at the stand, was directly asked many questions and replied to curiosities, doubts and requests for in-depth analysis concerning tendinitis, patient management, how to define new methods for dealing with common horse pathologies”, Alberto Zaghetto, ASA Area Manager concludes.
