MLS® at the CCRP in Majorca

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A new focus on the benefits of MLS® Laser Therapy for treating common issues in pets. During the CCRP (Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner – 14/18 October, Majorca) course organised by the University of Tennessee in collaboration with Schloss Seminar and reserved for a restricted number of participants from 9 countries (Australia, Slovenia, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Mexico, the Netherlands and Latvia), ASA’s therapy was one of the in-depth study topics.

“In addition to a theoretical session – Alberto Fera, ASA’s Vet Sales Manager explains – with the collaboration of Professor Darryl L. Millis, director of the rehabilitation and sports medicine institute at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Tennessee, we also implemented an on-stage phase. In fact, using the Mphi Vet Orange device, we treated a dog suffering from hip pain, achieving excellent results right from a single application. Participants were favourably impressed and showed their interest in receiving further information concerning Laser Therapy. The five days of the course, which included visits to specialised clinics in addition to classroom lessons, close with a positive result for us, an additional confirmation of the value of our therapeutic solution”.

Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner – 14/18 October, Majorca
MLS Laser Therapyy at CCRP Spain 2019
Dr Darryl L. Millis, Alberto Fera and Dr. Diniz - CCRP Spain 2019
CCRP 2019 – 14/18 October, Majorca