MLS®: mission in Ecuador

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Establishing relationships with the local distributor (Inclinic vet) through a training session dedicated to the uses and actual benefits of MLS®, supported by specific clinical cases: this was the objective of the ASAveterinary staff’s mission in Ecuador (8/12 October).

Moreover, the visit provided the opportunity for meeting vet specialists interested in discovering Laser Therapy close up in order to understand its functions in relation to their activity. From Cuenca to Quito to Guayaquil, the ASA staff also had the opportunity to establish relationships with some of the most important vet centres in Ecuador, both for pets and for horses, emphasising the cross-functional nature of the therapy, which has proved its effectiveness in treating orthopaedic, neurological and dermatological issues.

“This tour confirmed that Ecuador can represent a potentially interesting market for MLS®explains Karla Salazar, the ASAlaser Export Manager – thanks to the specialists’ will to be open to innovative solutions, useful for caring for the animal and for improving their professionalism”.

MLS®: mission in Ecuador
MLS®: mission in Ecuador
MLS®: mission in Ecuador
MLS®: mission in Ecuador
MLS®: mission in Ecuador
MLS®: mission in Ecuador