Singapore: a seminar for MLS® and presentation of M-VET

Monday, September 9, 2024

“With the aim of launching the M-VET device on the market of Singapore and in order to contribute to providing further visibility to our dealer Sage Healthcare – Beniamino Caruso, ASAveterinary Export Manager explains – we organised a seminar focused on MLS® Laser Therapy. The event was attended by 50 people, including loyal customers and new prospects, and was a great success thanks also to the speeches by 3 excellent speakers”.


In addition to a representative of the ASAveterinary staff who highlighted the benefits of the MLS® patented technology, Dr Siew Yee, who analysed the key principles of laser therapy, and Dr Ian Rezel took the stage at the meeting. The representative of the Pet Physio clinic, user of the M-VET laser, presented some of his cases, highlighting how the application of MLS® proved to be decisive.

“In addition to the seminar and thanks to the support of our distributor, we were also able to visit some veterinary clinics in Singapore which were already equipped with some ASAveterinary devices and which finalised the purchase of the new M-VET. A valuable result which paves the way for future collaboration”, Caruso concludes.

MLS Seminar | Case Studies - Singapore
MLS Seminar | M-VET Laser Device - Singapore
ASAveterinary @Singapore Team