Success of the first MLS® training at AVETAO courses

A training course dedicated to MLS® Laser Therapy was presented on 17th October at the headquarters of AVETAO, the French private veterinary training centre in Cluis, France.
Thursday, October 22, 2015

A training course dedicated to MLS® Laser Therapy for vets was presented by Stephan Lelaidier, Product Specialist and Paris Sales Manager of Hospimedi, the ASAlaser distributor for France, on 17th October at the headquarters of AVETAO, the French private veterinary training centre in Cluis, France.
By virtue of the new collaboration between Hospimedi and AVETAO, two doctors from the establishment, the President Dr. Fabrice Fosse and Dr. Foucon, assisted in Lelaidier’s training. Forty vets took part, and all of them gave positive evaluations about how easy Mphi Vet was to use, the variety of therapy protocols it offered and the possibility of using a second applicator for horses and large dogs. The vets were very enthusiastic about what they had learned, and some asked for an appointment at their clinics for additional demonstration sessions with MLS®. “I am very satisfied,” said Dr. Foucon, “about the performances and results that I obtain daily from the Mphi Vet units for treating osteoarthritis and muscle contracture in dogs. The last case in order of time was the successful treatment of a patient suffering from pyoderma.”  “Dr. Fosse is also satisfied.” said Roberto Terruzzi, the ASAlaser Area Manager. “He uses MLS® mainly on horses, and finds Charlie, the multidiode applicator, very advantageous.”
The event was the perfect occasion for presenting the new vet App, which those present found very interesting, to the point that they immediately wanted to download it onto their tablets!