Clinical cases

Success stories, clinical practices, case studies and testimonials: MLS® Laser Therapy stories told through videos, photos and personal experience

Practical cases, first-hand experience, useful information for using MLS® and veterinary products from the Mphi Vet and Mphi Vet Orange ranges to their best advantage: Vet professionals share their experience of the products with their colleagues in an informed exchange.

Embedded thumbnail for Fooki, a cat with abdominal injuries caused by MRSA
SPECIES: cat BREED: Himalayan GENDER: sterilised female AGE: 8 YO NAME: Fooki Clinical...
Embedded thumbnail for Bree, a cat with post-partum weak bladder
SPECIES: cat BREED: Maine Coon GENDER: female AGE: 2 YO NAME: Bree Clinical case Bree was...
Embedded thumbnail for Liebelei, a horse with acute phlebitis to the left jugular vein
SPECIES: horse BREED: Hannover GENDER: female AGE: 16 NAME: Liebelei Clinical case...
Embedded thumbnail for Gasparre, a parrot with self-inflicted wounds
SPECIES: bird BREED: rose-breasted Cockatoo GENDER: male AGE: 2 YO NAME: Gasparre...
Embedded thumbnail for Geko, a Dwarf Spitz with issues following the fracture of ulna and radius
SPECIES: dog BREED: Dwarf Spitz GENDER: male AGE: 2 years NAME: Geko Clinical case Due to...
Embedded thumbnail for Artemis, a Labrador Retriever with tetraparesis and pressure ulcers
SPECIES: dog BREED: Labrador Retriever GENDER: female AGE: 10 YO NAME: Artemis Clinical...